Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring has almost sprung!

The arrival of spring is almost here and we have noticed a few extra minutes of daylight and soon, we will be setting those clocks ahead one hour.  Now is the time to start transitioning our rooms into spaces that welcome the season.  Add bright, colorful patterns that sweep away the gray of winter.  Trade out dark decor and lighten things up with a fresh coat of paint, sheer curtains, fresh flowers, and reflective surfaces. 

Spring is a time of renewal.  Rejoice!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Soothing the Mind, Body & Soul

Winter is brutal here in the Northeast and even though many of us who live here are accustomed to nature's elements, we love to think of dreamy retreats.  Places we can escape to, and relax away the body aches that come with shoveling and scraping.
If you are dreaming but just can't get away, travel there vicariously through these amazing photos.
Take me there!

photo credits:  Costa Navarino, Mullins Mills, Sunny Isles via Coastal living